Higher Education Quality
In past decades the Maldives have witnessed the formation of two state universities and remarkably active private investor participation in higher education provision. It is estimated that more students are enrolled in private institutions than two state universities and the Polytechnique. Nine private colleges serve the sector and over 100 private training centres and institutes offer diplomas and certificates. State universities are tuition-free, and under the recent policy, the government finances the substantial cost of undergraduate degrees pursued in private colleges and institutions.
For the first time, a Higher Education Act has been enacted on 16 May 2021. The Act mandates The Ministry of Higher Education and the Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA) to ensure the quality of higher education. The need for quality improvement has been recognized by the Government and academics, and several steps have been taken in the past to ensure and enhance the quality of higher education. MPAC proposes a study to understand the public and stakeholder perception of higher education that could support policy and procedural decisions to enhance quality.